John Bakes

If you're reading this, congrats because I literally just started this website! Right now it's just a way to show off my weekly baking to those who don't look at Instagram. In the future I might store recipes here or maybe even use it as a shop front. Cooking and baking consumes a lot of my free time, so the least I can do is document it for myself somewhere!

Cut Copy Pastry?

I majored in computer science and am a software engineer by day. Supposedly my job is a lot of copy-pasting from Stack Overflow? If I had my way, it'd be all pastry though.

Taking Requests?

I tell myself baking is just a hobby. That being said, I'll occasionally whip something up at a price if my schedule is free. If you're in the Houston area, it doesn't hurt to ask!

Contact Me

Use the links up there in the top bar! Your best bets are email and Instagram.

This website sucks...
Ha! Fair enough. I'm no design major, but figured I'd put my computer skills to work making this website from scratch. If you're interested in the code behind this, checkout the below links and technologies used. The GitHub icon will also take you straight to my public code if interested. Built with: